Deactivated users in performance review processes

Modified on Thu, 02 Nov 2023 at 06:35 PM

If you would like to know how to deactivate an user from the Masterlist, please see this article.

Deactivating a user from the Masterlist will result in various changes in a performance review process independently of which status the process is currently in.

1. Deactivated users will show up at the Deactivated users tab in Participants.

2. Deactivated users will show up in gray colors in admin and manager views (Monitoring) and in participant views such as lists of reviews.

3. In Monitoring, admin and managers with permissions to access it will be able to filter by deactivated users if they need to.

4. Deactivated users will still be part of processes in which they participated in as long as they are not removed from them.

5. Deactivated users will stop showing up on searches (as reviewers, reviewees, validators, calibrators, etc.)

6. The review relations of a deactivated user will be kept as they are as long as they are not changed and/or removed.

7. If the deactivated user was a reviewer, verifier, calibrator or coordinator in an on-going process, it will be necessary for the admin reassign those relations.

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