Upload profile images massively

Modified on Thu, 09 Nov 2023 at 12:47 PM

To have a profile image isn't something mandatory for Rankmi users, but it's advised if you want to personalize the experience of your employees in the platform.

The profile image of a user is visible everywhere in the platform, including performance review processes and surveys.

Upload profile images massively

Before uploading your profile images massively, please consider the following:

  • Accepted formats: PNG or JPG.
  • Every image must have the identifier of the user as its name.
  • Compress all of the images in a ZIP file.

Once you have your ZIP file ready, follow these steps:

1. From Home, click Configuration (screw icon) located at the upper side of the page.

2. In the Masterlist, click Actions.

3. Select Upload avatars.

4. Search for your ZIP file and upload it.

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