Deactivate and reactivate users in the masterlist

Modified on Thu, 19 Oct 2023 at 01:21 PM

Deactivate a user

When an employee leaves the company, it's important to deactivate their account in the platform to keep them from logging into Rankmi again. To deactivate a user, follow these steps:

1. From Home, go to Configuration (screw icon) located at the upper side of the page.

2. In Masterlist, search for the user.

3. Click Options (three dots).

4. Select Deactivate account.

5. Confirm the deactivation by clicking Accept.

Reactivate a user

To reactivate the account of a previously deactivated user, follow these steps:

1. In the Masterlist, choose the Deactivated users tab.

2. Search for the user.

3. Click Options (three dots).

4. Select Reactivate account.

5. Confirm the reactivation by clicking Accept.

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